Earth Fan Surf Co.
Liability Disclosure
As an Ocean lover, please understand that the Ocean is a beautiful and wonderful place but, may quickly become a dangerous place of many risks and sometimes tragedy. By willfully entering the mighty Ocean you do so at your own risk and recognize that it is a conscious decision you’ve made to enjoy the thrill of surfing, with or without a board.
By generally participating in surfing (standing), bodyboarding (prone), belly boarding, body surfing, swimming, paddle boarding, or skimboarding on waves, you understand that you inherit certain risks connected with any of these Ocean sports. These risks include injuries, unexpected incidents, accidents, collisions, concussions, breakage, incapacity, or possible death or drowning, and they are all in conjunction with surfing in the Ocean. Understanding this, you agree to accept and assume any and all risks in connection with surfing in any form.
You also further agree to forever release, waive, indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Earth Fan Surf Co. and all of its indemnified parties from all claims, liabilities, actions, demands, and any medical expenses, including damage to person or property, asserted by you, or others on your behalf, heirs, executors, or others. You release Earth Fan Surf Co. of any legal liability arising from direct or indirect use of our wood surf craft, including but not limited to, Alai’a, Paepo’o, Itago-nori, Hand Planes, Skimboards, Step off Boards, SUPs, Kickboards, Fans or Chopping Blocks.
Have fun, please be safe, and remember, “When in Doubt, Don’t Go Out!”
Earth Fan
EARTH FAN Surfboards